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Recently we are supported by 3 independent groups, associations and some private persons who are collecting donations and are running their own requests.

We are supporting those groups by sharing their actions on our page.

We are deeply grateful for their support and are still asking for more help because that is always needed to help our animals over here in the DomRep.

All these groups and persons have been turned out to be absolutely reliable and it is our deepest want to honor them and support them as well by sharing their work.

Please do support their actions as well!

Saskia Schneider from „ Saskias Benefiz Armbänder“ has been supporting us for the longest time by creating awesome wristbands, necklesses and more.

Every order can be directed to an association the buyer can choose and the profit is going straight to this association.

Thank you so much Saskia for your trust and support!

We also are supported by a local cuban group called RESCATE founded by Yvette Garcia.

Her family runs a Rum Business and has been supporting the Fundacion with donations of all kind.

They also took part in getting our Rescue Car „Mascota-Mobil“ wich is now driven by a chauffeur who is working for the business of Yvette Garcia and is making a great impact in picking up animals in need who otherwise would have been left on the street due to the fact that there is a lack of transportation.

Yvette is also supporting us in running spay and neuter actions and has been helping in our big Listed Dog Rescue.

Muchas gracias Yvette por tu ayuda siempre!

Since a few month Steffie Költsch is on board with us.

She has been on vacation here in Punta Cana and was able to see what the Foundation is doing.

She is experienced in the field of rescue work in Europe and recently collecting medical donations like antibiotics, material for spaying and neutering, anthelmintic therapy and even more wich we couldn’t afford or get over here.

Steffi also put Angelika Reichard in action. As a stewardess and wife of a pilot she was able to get a huge amount of donations via airplane to us.

Both are now working together to help animals in need and they are still supporting the Fundacion Mi Mascota.

Due to their actions we were able to improve our infrastructure for example.

Thanks so much and keep going!

Finally we have been supported by Brigitte Grieshaber and Doro Ekmekci who founded the group especially for us.

Both have been visiting us frequently.

Doro is flying over twice a year. Lately she is creating awesome necklesses and leashes. Her profit plus tips from her nail studio is going directly to the Fundacion.

Also Doris husband is a doctor and able to provide us with medical equipment wich is greatly needed over here.

We, the Foundation Mi Mascota Animal want to thank every private person, group or association who is supporting us in any way possible big big times and we are happy if you keep up your great work and support.

All the people named above are absolutely trustful and translucent in their work and are worth being supported as well.


Beatrice and the team of Foundation Mi Fundación Mi Mascota Animal Rescue Dom. Rep